Prospective Members
The Rudder High School Student Council accepts applications annually in April for the following school year. Exception to this process will be made for students new to Rudder that were not on campus during April the previous school year.
Applications will be available starting April 1st for the 2020-2021 school year.
A short interview will be required for any new or returning members before finalizing the membership roster.
$25 Dues (waiver available due to hardships)
15 hours of verified Community Service per semester
Attend regularly scheduled General Council meetings
4:15-5:15pm every other Monday afternoons (all dates given at start of year)
Allowed to miss two meetings without threat of probation
UIL events or team practices do not count against attendance with prior notice
Make up meetings available on schoology. The video must be watched and acknowledged by Wednesday 5pm following a meeting.
Attend all mandatory council events (all dates are given at start of year)
Regularly attend classes to the satisfaction of the BISD code of conduct
Pass all classes per Texas UIL eligibility standards
Cannot be guilty of a major disciplinary infraction leading up to and during membership