Texas State Initiative Assessment (TSIA 2.0)
What is the Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0(TSIA2)?
The Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2) is an assessment of placement tests required for students enrolling in public colleges and universities in Texas. This exam helps Texas colleges/universities determine whether you’re ready for college-level courses in English-language Arts (ELAR) and Mathematics.
If you’re not ready for college-level courses, TSIA2 help determine what types of courses or intervention will best prepare you for college-level work. These tests are taken on the computer, and depending on school policy, may get your results immediately after you finish the test.
Before you take TSIA2, you MUST complete the MANDATORY pre-assessment activity. Below is the link to the pre-assessment for Rudder High School. When you go to the site, you will need to create an account. Once you create your account and login, select TSIA2-PAA. After completing the pre-assessment activity, send a copy of your certificate to Mrs. Samuels at natalyn.samuels@bryanisd.org.
Rudder HS TSIA Pre-Assessment Activity
Who must take the TSI Assessment?
Students enrolling in a Texas public college/university are required to take the TSIA2. There are some situations that can qualify students for an exemption from having this exam. Qualifying for a TSI Assessment exemption means that you can enroll in any entry- level college course without restrictions. In certain cases exemptions are subject-specific, which means you may qualify for an exemption in one area such as reading but not in another area like mathematics or writing. You may be exempt if you meet one or more of the following:
TSIA2 Exemptions:
have met the minimum college readiness standard on the SAT or ACT
SAT administered March 2016 and later:
Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) minimum score of 480
Mathematics minimum score of 530 (no combined score needed)
Scored a 23 or higher on the ACT composite and a minimum of 19 on both the English and math tests;
have successfully completed a high-school "College Preparatory Course" (Visit this link to see which colleges/universities accept the "College Bridge" exemptions Colleges that honor College Prep Class Exemption )
have successfully completed college-level course(s)
are not seeking a degree
are a veteran or currently active in the military
**If you think you may be exempt, contact your counselor.**
What if I do not meet the "college-ready" standards for the TSIA2?
If you do not meet the "college ready" score(s), you will be required to enroll in a Developmental Math and/or Developmental English course before enrolling in a college-level Math or English course. Remember, these courses are still PAID courses and will be added to your college costs. To avoid this situation, you may retake the TSIA2 test in attempting to meet the "college-ready" score(s) needed for college.
It is STRONGLY encouraged that you make time to practice/study skills prior to retaking the exam. This will improve your chances of improving your score! ACCUPLACER has a FREE Student Learning Resource Library available for students. The TSIA2 Learning Resources is an online library that provides access to practice and instructional materials that specifically cover the content of the exam. These materials include printable or interactive worksheets, tutorials and instructional videos. When you receive your score report, you'll receive a Learning Locator Code (LLC) that will grant you immediate access to a custom set of study materials specific to your performance in each content area. This library of resources can be located at tsia2.pearsonperspective.com .
For more information about the TSIA2 exam, click here for the TSIA2.0 Student Informational Brochure.
Use the link below to sign up for a date to take the TSIA2 this Fall.