National Honor Society
What is the National Honor Society?
The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
The BCHS chapter of the NHS seeks to select students for induction that adhere to the following selection guidelines for character, service, leadership and scholarship:
Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously
Constantly exemplifies desirable qualities of personality (cheerfulness, friendliness, poise, stability)
Upholds principles of morality and ethics
Cooperates by complying with school regulations concerning property, programs, office, halls, etc.
Demonstrates highest standards of honesty and reliability
Shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others
Observes instructions and rules, punctuality, and faithfulness in obligations in all aspects of life
Has powers of concentration and sustained attention as shown by perseverance and application of studies
Manifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience of rules, avoiding cheating in written work, and showing unwillingness to profit by the mistakes of others
Actively helps to rid the school of bad influences or environment
Has completed at least 50 of the required BCHS service hours.
Willingness to uphold scholarship and maintain a loyal school attitude
Volunteers dependable and well-organized assistance, is available on his own time and is sacrificing
Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult or inconspicuous responsibilities
Willingness to render cheerfully and enthusiastically any requested service to the school
Readiness to show courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students
Is resourceful in proposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestions
Demonstrates leadership in promoting school activities
Exercises influence on peers in upholding school ideals
Demonstrates academic initiative
Demonstrates leadership in classroom, at work, and in school activities
Is thoroughly dependable in any responsibility he/she accepts
The minimum grade point average to apply for induction into NHS is a 3.5 (on a weighted scale).
NHS Selection Process
1. As the first step in the process, students’ academic and service records should be reviewed to determine those persons who are eligible for membership. All students who have a cumulative GPA over a 3.5 during their Junior and Senior years are scholastically eligible and have completed at least 50 hours of community service.
2. Students who are eligible receive an invitation to apply for membership. Students receive a information sheet identifying the requirements of NHS and a candidate form to complete. Students are responsible for finding faculty members to give them a recommendation.
3. Faculty receive a request for a recommendation for each student that listed their name. Teachers rate students on leadership, character, and service within our campus. Recommendations have a faculty name associated with their submission, however remain confidential per NHS policy. It is important to note that the actual selection of new members must be made by a vote of the five appointed members of the Faculty Council. Consequently, point totals or averages of the faculty ratings are not to be considered as 'votes' or the sole determinants of membership, but should, instead, be reported to the Faculty Council to add to their information when considering selections
4. The faculty committee reviews the student's applications on the basis of leadership, service, and character of all candidates. Faculty council members are encouraged to deliberate in order to guarantee that their decisions are based on accurate and complete understandings of all information presented for review. With the vote on each candidate, those candidates receiving a majority vote of the faculty council should be invited for induction into the chapter.
5. Prior to notification of any candidates, the chapter adviser is required to report the results of the faculty council's deliberations to the principal for approval. Lists of selected and non-selected students, as well as reasons for non-selection may be incorporated into this meeting. This will assure the support of the administration prior to any notification.
6. The chapter adviser will provide formal notification of all selected and not selected candidates and their parents to inform them in writing about selection and the timing of the induction ceremony.