Community education for families supporting a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism 101
September 17th
In this session, we will discuss characteristics of individuals on the autism spectrum and simple supports to use at home and in the community.
October 8th
Come learn why routines are so important for your child and how establishing them makes them and you more successful in your day. We will discuss strategies for teaching routines and provide some take-home supports that may be needed.
Challenging Behaviors Part 1
November 19th
In Part 1, we will discuss the “whys” behind challenging behavior and practice identifying those in given scenarios. Understanding the “why” of a behavior is the most important step to intervention.
Challenging Behaviors Part 2
January 28th
In Part 2, we will discuss specific strategies to address challenging behavior based on the “why”behind that behavior.
Sensory Processing and Self-Regulation
February 25th
In this session we will discuss how sensory processing In this session relates to self-regulation and how to help your child gain skills in this important area.
Social Communication
April 15th
Come explore the surprising complexity of social communication and begin to identify the potential challenges and strategies that might apply to your student as they grow in this area.
*Classes will be held from 6:30-7:30 pm at Bowen Elementary School
(located at 3870 Copperfield Dr., Bryan, TX 77802).
*Childcare will be provided for children ages 3 and older if you RSVP by the Friday prior
to the training.
*Spanish interpretation is available upon request.
*For more information, please contact Stephanie Garner at 979-209-2731 or

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