
Office of Community Affairs

The Bryan ISD Office of Community Affairs serves as a positive and proactive partner between the school district and the community, in support of the district’s Mission, Vision and Goals.

How Bryan ISD Communicates flyer

The Department’s specific areas of responsibility include:

Media Relations

In coordination with the Office of the Superintendent, the Office of Community Affairs is responsible for media requests, interviews and an assertive strategy that seeks media coverage for current events and student/staff success. All media inquiries should be directed to the office director and/or the Office of the Superintendent. Media Guidelines are posted on the departmental website. 

Community Relations

The department maintains close relationships with “Key Communicators” at City of Bryan and other vital constituency groups in the region. The department distributes news releases and other frequent and important communications pieces to these key audiences. Anyone (non-media) wishing a campus tour may contact the campus’ front office.

Employee Relations

The Office of Community Affairs joins with the superintendent to produce Convocation prior to the start of each school year. In addition, the department honors employees every spring at the annual Employee Awards Program, which recognizes professional excellence, retirements and employees celebrating employment milestones. In addition, the department celebrates the Teachers of the Month, conducts a New Teacher Luncheon, and produces an employee only newsletter to ensure all Bryan ISD staff are information experts on their school district.

School Closings

School closings and late starts will be announced on local media channels (WTAW 1620 AM, KBTX-CBS, KAGS-NBC, among others). In addition, such information will be posted at, and distributed to families via ParentLink.

Cable Programming & Video Services

The Office of Community Affairs maintains a full, HD studio capable of producing high quality videos. In conjunction with the City of Bryan, Cable Channel 16 is heavily utilized for Bryan ISD programming including district news, current events, and more.

District Website

The district’s website is maintained by the Office of Community Affairs. Campus webmasters also work with the Office of Community Affairs to ensure that all campus websites are current and within expectations for content and display. The district’s online calendar is housed on the district’s website. Individual campus calendars are maintained on campus websites by school personnel.

Bryan ISD Mobile App

The district’s mobile app aggregates content posted on the district’s news feed and social media sites. The app, available in iTunes and Google Play, contains school contact information, job postings, a link to bus routes, a video gallery and more.

Social Media (FacebookTwitter, InstagramYouTube, LinkedIn and Wordpress)

The district’s social media channels are supported by the Office of Community Affairs. Individual campuses maintain social media accounts, all of which are subject to the district’s Social Media Guidelines.