Free Workshop Series for Young Self-Advocates and Those Who Support Individuals with Disabilities
This family training meets the first Thursday of most months during the school year at
Central Church, 1991 FM 158 Road, College Station, TX 77845.
We have training for parents, adolescents, a sibling support group and child care for 11
and under.
This year’s topics include:
Guardianship and Alternatives
Transition: Life Plan
IEP Partnerships
Behavior and Anger Management/Meltdowns
Law Enforcement
Communication and Language Development
Planning your Summer: Next Steps to Independence
Please visit https://cdd.tamu.edu/service-outreach/purposeful-life/ to register
and see this month’s topic.
Sponsored by: Bryan ISD, Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living, Center on
Disability and Development TAMU, College Station ISD, Down Syndrome Association
of the Brazos Valley, and FACETS.

RSVP here for childcare and/or Spanish interpretation
Regístrese para el cuidado de niños y/o interpretación en español.