Bus Rules
Student Ridership Eligibility
The primary purpose of the Bryan ISD Transportation Department is transporting eligible students to and from the bus stop servicing their home address. Therefore, students are expected to ride the assigned bus each day to and from school and enter and exit the bus at their assigned bus stop.
Parents who wish for their students to ride the bus to and from a licensed daycare facility or grandparent’s home within the campus attendance boundary must complete a Designated Child Care Facility Form and submit it for approval to the transportation terminal. Students will only be assigned one (1) transportation address.
Students who wish to ride to any other location must provide their own transportation. Parents are ultimately responsible for providing this transportation.
In rare, emergency situations campus principals may allow an exception to this policy by providing a signed Bus Rider Permit. These exceptions are subject to available space and must be limited to one day passes. Notes addressed to the bus driver are NOT acceptable in lieu of the official Bus Rider Permit. A written request from the guardian of the student must be submitted to the campus principal before a Bus Rider Permit may be issued. Passes will not be issued for more than one day at a time.
The following rules will help you and your students have a successful riding experience and maintain their riding privileges.
Bus Rules
Observe classroom conduct.
Be courteous, use no profane language.
Do not eat or drink on the bus.
Keep the bus clean.
Co-operate with the driver.
Do not smoke.
Do not damage bus or equipment.
Stay in your seat.
Wear your seatbelt if your bus is equipped with seatbelts.
Keep head, hands, and feet inside bus.
Do not fight, push, or shove.
Do not tamper with bus equipment.
Do not bring pets on the bus.
Do not bring flammable material on the bus.
The bus driver is authorized to assign seats.
Have a safe trip.