Conflict of Interest Reporting

Notice to Vendors

Conflict of Interest Questionnaire Required by Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code

Effective January 1, 2006, a person or entity who contracts or seeks to contract with Bryan ISD for the sale or purchase of property, goods, or services (as well as agents of such persons) (hereafter referred to as Vendors) are required to file a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire with the Purchasing Manager. Each covered person or entity who seeks to or who contracts with Bryan ISD is responsible for complying with any applicable disclosure requirements. Bryan ISD will post the required completed questionnaires on this website.

The Conflict of Interest Questionnaire must be filed:

  • No later than the seventh business day after the date that the Vendor begins contract discussions or negotiations with the government entity, or submits to the local governmental entity an application, response to a request for proposals or bids, correspondence, or another writing related to a potential agreement with the local governmental entity.

  • The Vendor shall file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriate records administrator not later than September 1 of the year in which an activity described in Section 176.006(a), Local Government Code, is pending, and not later than the seventh business day after the date of an event that would make a statement in the questionnaire incomplete or inaccurate.

Note: A Vendor is not required to file an updated completed questionnaire in a year if the person has filed a questionnaire on or after June 1, but before September 1, of that year.

The Conflict of Interest Questionnaire may be downloaded as part of the Vendor Registration Packet.  Questions regarding House Bill 914 requirements should be directed to  Melissa Martin, Assistant Director of Finance at 979-209-1048 or