Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Accelerated Instruction
What is MTSS?
MTSS stands for Multi-Tiered System of Supports. The MTSS model provides a foundation of support for all students by using data-driven problem-solving techniques to address the academic and non-academic needs of all students.
What is the framework for MTSS?
MTSS provides a robust core curriculum and instructional differentiation at all three tiers.
Tier 1 - Instructional strategies and curriculum that are used routinely with all students. Instructional strategies may be differentiated using evidence based instructional practices dependent upon student's needs, interests, and learning preferences.
Tier 2 - Early intervention using research-based interventions in small groups to target a specific academic, social emotional, or behavioral skill. Interventions are provided with a specific frequency and duration.
Tier 3 - Higher intensity supports for individual students.
More Information:
What is Accelerated Instruction?
When a student fails to perform satisfactorily on a STAAR or STAAR End of Course assessment, schools will design an Accelerated Education Plan for students. This plan will build in academic support for the student to be able to perform at the appropriate grade or course level by the conclusion of the following school year.
Who should I contact if my student needs additional support?
Contact your school's principal, counselor, or
Assistant Director of Interventions and ยง504
Kristen Beesaw