Student Illness
Illness at Home
If your student has symptoms of illness at home:
Do not send your student to school if they have vomiting, diarrhea, severe cough/cold symptoms, skin abscess, or temperature of 100 or more.
It is recommended that students be free of fever for at least 24 hours, without fever-reducing medication, before returning to school.
If your doctor tells you that your child has an illness that can spread from person to person, please notify the school clinic staff.
Please make sure school clinic staffs have emergency contact phone numbers. If your number changes, please notify them as soon as possible.
In the event that we cannot reach you or the emergency contacts you have provided, Bryan ISD reserves the right to contact local EMS or law enforcement if needed.
Illness at School
For the protection of all students, any student with the following symptoms will not be allowed to stay at school:
If the student has a temperature of 100.0 degrees or more,
Is suspected of having an illness or infection that can spread from person to person,
Has a skin boil or abscess that has not been treated by a physician,
Is vomiting or has diarrhea,
Has a severe stomachache, headache or earache,
Is unable to remain in class due to an injury or illness.
Exemption from P.E.
Students will not be exempted from P.E. without a physician directive stating that the student must be excluded and how long the exclusion will be.
The nurse/clinic staff will not provide excuse notes for P.E. or Athletics except in cases of acute asthma flare-ups during school hours.