At the Tuesday, January 17, 2023 school board meeting, the Bryan ISD Board of Trustees approved new school boundaries for the elementary and intermediate school levels. This is in preparation for opening Sadberry Intermediate in August 2023. The school board's decision is also the same as what staff recommended at the school board workshop on January 9.
The School Boundaries Oversight Committee represents an array of stakeholders and is comprised of parents, community members, two members of the Board of Trustees, campus staff, and district staff. This committee works in alignment with the decision principles detailed in Board Policy FC(LOCAL) to review and provide feedback and suggestions regarding attendance boundary recommendations.
More specifically, the committee has provided feedback on the development of school boundaries for the opening of Sadberry Intermediate and will work to ensure the equitable distribution of programs and students across all grade levels in accordance with Board Policy FC (Local).
The adopted boundaries include the following:
Johnson’s PreK attends Bowen
Elementary School Boundary Adjustments
Minor adjustments from Branch to Jones
Minor adjustments from Fannin to Neal
Minor adjustments from Branch to Kemp
Minor adjustments from Houston to Mitchell
Minor adjustments from Henderson to Fannin
Emergent Bilingual Program Boundary Adjustments
Minor adjustments from Branch to Crockett; from Fannin to Neal; from Branch to Jones
Dual Language Program Adjustments
None, all Dual Language programs remain at their current campuses.
Intermediate School Boundary Adjustments
Creation of Sadberry Intermediate boundary
Minor adjustments from Long to Rayburn and Rayburn to Long
We have an address locator tool you can use to see school boundary recommendations for your neighborhood here.