Deaf Education
Brazos Valley Regional Day School Program for the Deaf
The Brazos Valley Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (BVRDSPD) provides a free and appropriate public education to Deaf and hard of hearing students from birth through age 21. A Shared Service Arrangement exists between 31 member independent school districts spread over an eight county service area. Bryan ISD serves as the fiscal agent.
Students are served within their home districts or on one of the BVRDSPD site campuses in Bryan ISD. Home school districts provide transportation for deaf and hard of hearing students attending site campuses in Bryan.
The Brazos Valley Regional Day School offers a variety of services
Parent-Infant Program
Once eligibility is established, services are provided to the child and parents of Deaf or hard of hearing children, birth through two years of age, in their home by a certified teacher of the Deaf/hard of hearing. Services are determined by the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP). Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) is the lead agency. The BVRDSPD Parent Infant teacher provides specialized Deaf/hard of hearing instruction, resources and information helping parents understand hearing loss, auditory training, language development, communication and other topics determined by IFSP.
Itinerant Teacher Program
Services are provided to students on their home campus by a certified teacher of the Deaf/hard of hearing. The Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) Committee determines the eligibility and needed services. Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed by the itinerant teacher based on assessment of the student. Itinerant services focus on remediation and instruction in the areas of auditory training, lip-reading, language development and communication.
Self-contained Deaf Education Classroom
Pre-K to grade 12 classrooms are staffed by a certified teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing, who also meets the Highly Qualified requirements for classroom teaching. The Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) Committee determines the eligibility and placement in the deaf education classrooms. The Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed by the deaf education teacher based on assessment of the student.
Interpreting Services
Interpreting services are provided for those that meet eligibility for visual and tactual communication forms used by students who are deaf, hard of hearing, or DeafBlind per their communication evaluation. Students utilizing interpreting services are also provided an interpreter for extracurricular activities relating to their IEP upon request.
Communication Specialist Program
The communication specialist program was designed to help parents of newly identified deaf children develop sign language skills. When the parents and child effectively communicate, the child has a greater opportunity to achieve age appropriate language milestones.
Special Programs
• ASL Classes are provided free to parents of children in the program twice a year. Free babysitting is provided to children under the age of 12, by request. ASL for Spanish speaking families is also provided
• PEP (Parents Empowering Parents) provides the opportunity for parents to meet and support one another in school-sponsored meetings. Meetings are held 3 -4 times per year and include: a Family Cookout, information sharing and other special events. A special invitation only Facebook page connects families between meetings.
Referring Students
Students may be referred to the Regional Day School for the Deaf Program through their home school districts, Child Find, or Early Childhood Intervention. An individual Education plan (IEP) or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) meeting will determine placement and/or appropriate services for each student once eligibility is established.
Contact Information:
Brazos Valley Regional Day School for the Deaf
Interim Supervisor-Deaf Education
Melinda Gandrud
1307 Memorial Dr.
Bryan, TX 77802