Dyslexia Services
Bryan ISD offers a comprehensive dyslexia instructional program for English speakers and English learners. There are twenty-six district Dyslexia Specialists who provide interventions and help serve the needs of these unique learners.
Bryan ISD Resources
The Texas Education Agency Dyslexia and Related Disorders Resources
The following form will be provided to parents when dyslexia is suspected and/or when a Full and Individual Initial Evaluation is conducted:
The Texas Dyslexia Handbook was updated to go into effect June 30, 2024:
Dyslexia Fact Sheet for Families:
Additional Dyslexia Sites and Resources:
Audiobook Support:
Bryan ISD provides Learning Ally audiobook accounts to support struggling readers. Please contact your child's school for more information about this service.
Bryan ISD also provides eBooks and audiobooks through SORA, which links to the Public Library Data System.
In addition, the State of Texas provides free audiobooks for students with reading disabilities through the Talking Book Program. Please contact your child's school to receive assistance with the eligibility process.
Reading Resources to use at Home:
For More Information, Contact:
Kristen Beesaw
Assistant Director, Interventions and §504