Earn College Credit
Bryan Collegiate High School
Bryan Collegiate High School is a dual credit high school that partners with Blinn College to allow students the opportunity to simultaneously earn high school and college credit. Students select a university major they are interested in pursuing and follow a specific degree plan as they select Blinn courses. Students can earn an Associate's Degree at the same time they earn their high school diploma. There are no fees associated with Bryan Collegiate, as Bryan ISD and Blinn College cover the full cost of Blinn tuition and books.
Dual Credit
Students in Bryan ISD may simultaneously obtain college credit and high school credit through an agreement between Blinn College and Bryan ISD. Blinn faculty teaches courses on high school campuses. In order to be enrolled in a dual credit course, students must have a 3.0 GPA, pass the Texas Higher Education Assessment test (or other qualifying tests), and pay the required tuition to Blinn College before the course begins.
Advanced Placement
This program enables colleges and secondary campuses to work together to provide students with the opportunity to complete college-level studies during their high school years. Students entering the AP program in Bryan ISD must be prepared for the accelerated and rigorous study of college-level content. The AP program makes examinations for introductory college-level courses available to high school students. It is the expectation that students enrolled in these classes will sit for the AP Exam, thereby gaining the opportunity to earn college credits.
International Baccalaureate
The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end, the organization works with schools, governments, and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Texas Common Numbering System
The Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS) is a voluntary, co-operative effort among 137 Texas community colleges and universities to facilitate the transfer of freshman and sophomore level general academic coursework. TCCNS provides a shared, uniform set of course designations for students and their advisors to use in determining both course equivalency and degree applicability of transfer credit on a statewide basis. When students transfer between two participating TCCNS institutions, a course taken at the sending institution transfers as the course carrying the same TCCNS designation at the receiving institution.