In Their Words

Parents, students and community leaders are stepping forward to share their experiences about the programs and people in Bryan ISD. Each story is unique, and each testimonial reflects the positive and personalized educational experiences we offer to enhance the lives of young people. We hope you enjoy these thoughtful, and sometimes moving, messages about Bryan ISD.

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Take a moment to enjoy these testimonials, in their words…

Children First. Always.

Bryan Deputy City Manager Joseph Dunn

The Bryan Independent School District has made a profound difference in my family’s life. I have four children who have attended Bryan schools over the past 15 years. For 11 of those years my wife Leslie has served as a special education teacher. At a young age, our second son Caleb struggled with autism, immune deficiency, developmental delay, respiratory problems and hearing impairment.

In 1999, we began looking for special programs and services in the Brazos Valley we felt would best serve Caleb’s needs. We met with the central office staff at Bryan ISD, who took personal interest in our situation and provided tours of various programs in several schools. After much prayer and consideration, we decided to move our family from College Station to Bryan ISD. 

At age 3, Caleb began attending a half-day program at Ben Milam Elementary School. Ms. Pilger made an immediate positive impact on Caleb, and we knew we made the right decision. Over the years Caleb attended special programs at Milam, Carver, Fannin, Houston, Mitchell, Rayburn, and is now a senior at Rudder High School. Bryan ISD provided a variety of services that allowed us to craft programs address his specific needs as they evolved. Caleb has had to face many challenges over the years. We thank God for all of the incredible people at Bryan ISD who have inspired him, challenged him, respected and loved him.

A Bryan-College Station Realtor (after a tour through campuses):

When I woke up this morning, I had no idea that I would:

  • watch 3rd graders singing behind teachers dressed up like dancing ducks,

  • watch a middle school student use a computer powered by solar energy,

  • be serenaded by the angelic voices of 6th graders singing the "Chocolate Chip Cookie Song,"

  • get to watch an amazing performance by an award-winning drumline and color guard,

  • and dine on a delicious lunch created and served by Culinary Arts students while listening to Harry Potter tunes played by an orchestra.

I didn't know what to expect when I attended the Bryan ISD tour for realtors, but I can definitely tell you now that Bryan ISD is a great school district with visionary leadership, tremendously gifted - and caring - teachers, and great students, each with a special story to tell!

Odyssey Academy at SFA Middle School

My participation in Odyssey Academy enabled me to quickly become engulfed in the ever-changing world of science and technology. These remarkable experiences from middle school would lay the foundation for my success in the future. This program expanded my mind, opened numerous doors of opportunity for me  and allowed for the development of my receptiveness to learning. Not only did I gain knowledge from participating in this program, but I have been privileged to have been taught by the most intellectually stimulating, tenderhearted and devoted teachers in Bryan ISD. Because of this program, I was prepared for an academically rigorous Advanced Placement program in high school.
-Martha V., Bryan High Class of '15

INQUIRE Academy at Jane Long Middle School

Inquire Academy, nestled in Jane Long Middle School, provided my children with a customized learning map. The exceptional teachers have high expectations of their students and have an accountability process that keeps each student on an accelerated track toward high school and then college. The Lobo Community was  a critical part of the growth of my children's socialization and development as  well. My boys are fortunate to have had such a rich middle school experience  mixed with a highly competitive athletic and fine arts programs.

-R. A. Davis, parent

I attended Inquire Academy at Jane Long from 6th grade through 8th grade. Throughout my experience, I had several experiences that I would not have had without this program. The Inquire program allows students who qualify to take some high school credits. I had the opportunity to receive 5 high school credits-Spanish I, II, Biology, Algebra and Art I which gave me a taste of the experiences that high school would bring to me.

Inquire also prepared me to be successful In high school. When I started Inquire, the teacher's helped me learn how to study which prepared me for high school and even college in the future. Most Importantly though-the teachers in Inquire truly care about the wellbeing of all the students and provide excellent teaching and help to each student. They want you to be successful, and they have high expectations. I believe that every student would truly benefit from attending Inquire with its excellent teachers, challenging curriculum and efforts to prepare you for high school and beyond. It is such a great program that my little brother is applying to attend next year. I want him to have the same experiences I had in this awesome program.
-Zach J., student

Hammond-Oliver Health Sciences Academy

I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I went into high school and decided the medical field might be interesting. I didn’t end up in the medical field; I’m now an analyst for Boeing. But I did complete my EMT training (after interning with the College Station CS Fire department my senior year) following graduation.  At that point I decided it wasn’t for me and moved on with my life.

Anyway, the purpose of this note is to say thank you. This past Saturday I was at a friend’s house and heard screaming from outside.  It’s a rough area…so I didn’t immediately react, but eventually I went outside. A little boy had been run over by a truck and was lying in the driveway. Everyone was standing there, watching. I ran to him and tried to administer aid or at least as much as I could muster at that point, given the circumstances.  I wasn’t able to resuscitate him and that will always haunt me. But at the end of it all, the only comfort I have is knowing that at least I tried.  I wouldn’t have had the courage or know-how if it weren’t for all the training Hammond Oliver provided me.
-Kyndra S.

International Baccalaureate Program at Bryan High

Despite having completed the IB Program a few years ago, the "IB effect" is still apparent in my daily life. The quality of teaching I received easily measures up to the Ph.D.s which surround me at a top-ranked university and has prepared me to be a lifelong learner. I was not merely filled with knowledge, I was taught how to think and how to learn. I feel that the joys of perusing the world with our minds will never escape me due to the inspiring teachers of the IB Program at Bryan High. The environment  I was part of is a rare and beautiful thing, leaving the deepest of impressions on me. This should be the standard for every level of education and something nobody should miss.

- Matt K.