Project Hope & Hope's Locker
Project HOPE
Bryan ISD is committed to serving students that are living in a transitional situation, be it, in a shelter, doubled up with other families or unaccompanied youth.
Project Hope ensures that students and families that are uncertain about their housing or are living in a temporary situation are aware of their rights under the McKinney-Vento Act.
Texas Homeless Education Office
www.Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth (TEHCY) Program
(512) 463-9414
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth
Community Resources and Services
If your organization would like to be added to our resources list, please contact Meagan Meekma, Homeless Liaison, at 979-209-7042 and meagan.meekma@bryanisd.org.

Hope's Locker
Thanks to the hard work of the Bryan-College Station Regional Association of Realtors, Hope's Locker provides expanded clothing options to Bryan ISD families in need.
The free store is open by appointment only in the back of Bryan Collegiate High School (1901 East Villa Maria Road).
Project Hope will collect clothing, shoes, school supplies & non-perishable food items for Bryan students and their families in need.
Contact Info
For more information about the closet or to donate items, contact Meagan Meekma at 979-209-7042 and meagan.meekma@bryanisd.org or Felicitas Corpes at 979-209-7043 and felicitas.corpes@bryanisd.org.