Speaking Before the Board
Public Comment at Board Meetings are Conducted in Accordance with Policy BED(LEGAL) and BED(LOCAL).
At regular meetings that begin on or after 5:00 pm, the Board shall permit public comment on matters that are within the Board’s control or jurisdiction, regardless of whether the topic is an item on the posted meeting notice and agenda. At all other Board meetings, public comment shall be limited to items on the agenda posted with the notice of the meeting.
To speak during public comment at a Board Meeting, individuals must sign up in advance of the meeting by completing and submitting the Request to Address the Bryan ISD Board of Trustees Form:
Submitting the Public Comment Request Form
The Request to Address the Bryan ISD Board of Trustees Form above may be:
Emailed to bisd_school.board@bryanisd.org at least 30 minutes prior to the posted start time of the meeting, but no earlier than 24 hours before the start of the meeting
The form may be hand-delivered to the presiding officer or the Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees 10 minutes prior to the posted start time of the meeting.
NOTE: All speakers must check in with the Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees prior to the start of the Board meeting, or the request to address the Board will be considered withdrawn.
Additional Instructions
If an agenda item is continued or posted again for a meeting on a later date, individuals who wish to address the Board on the item must sign up separately for that later date.
Per Policy BED(LOCAL), individual comments are limited three (3) minutes, however, this time limit may decrease based on the number of individuals commenting. No individual shall be given less than one (1) minute to make comments. Speakers may not accrue minutes from other speakers.
Under the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Board is not permitted to discuss or act upon any issues that are not posted on the agenda for the meeting.
Speakers must limit comments to issues that can be presented in a public forum. Employees or members of the public are reminded that they must follow and exhaust all administrative remedies prior to presenting complaints about a student matter or district personnel to the Board.
Per Board Policy BED (Local), participants in public comment are asked to respect privacy and confidentiality and refrain from identifying students or District staff members by name. Specific complaints should be addressed through the District’s grievance process, not in public comment. Therefore, if your comments include an effort to address an employee complaint, please address such complaint through the District’s Board Policy DGBA. If your comments include an effort to address a student and/or parent complaint, please address such complaint through the District’s Board Policy FNG. Likewise, public complaints should be addressed through Board Policy GF.
Speakers shall be acknowledged by the President before speaking and must state their first and last name and the intended topic of comments. Speakers shall refrain from direct questions to the Superintendent, District staff, or members of the audience while speaking. Speakers shall not use profane or vulgar language. Speakers must remain in the designated area for public comment.
Rules of order and decorum will be enforced during the public comment period to ensure efficient meetings. Unlawful or disruptive conduct, including interrupting scheduled speakers, speaking out of turn, or interfering with the rights of others, will not be tolerated. Each participant is legally responsible for the content and consequences of his or her own statements