CTE Clubs

Why should you be a member of NTHS?
NTHS believes in CTE students, the heartbeat of today's workforce! NTHS celebrates the accomplishments of today's career and technical education students, empowering them to know the value and impact of their career paths and trades. Since 1984, NTHS has been honoring outstanding student achievement, providing scholarships and career development opportunities. NTHS is the Honor Society for CTE students!
Eligibility Requirements:
At least a 3.2 overall GPA, have completed at least one school year of a CTE pathway, currently enrolled in a CTE pathway, maintain a B average in current CTE course, have current CTE teacher's letter of recommendation, have one core subject teacher letter of recommendation, and complete an application before the due date each school year.
Contact Mrs. Addison at Bryan High School in Rm. 5202 or email her at rosie.addison@bryanisd.org for more information.

FFA is a dynamic youth organization within agricultural education that prepares students for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. FFA was created in 1928 as the Future Farmers of America; the name changed to National FFA Organization in 1988 to reflect the growing diversity of agriculture. Today, more than 500,000 student members are engaged in a wide range of agricultural education activities, leading to over 300 career opportunities in the agricultural science, food, fiber and natural resources industry. Student success remains the primary mission of FFA. Students must be in an Agriculture class in order to be eligible to begin their FFA membership.

SkillsUSA serves students preparing for technical, skilled and service occupations careers by developing their occupational, academic, and employability skills, including leadership. To do this, the organization has established goals and developed programs that consider the unique needs of students whose skill and motivation are essential to success. Central to all of these programs is the concept of the total development of the individual in the areas of personal, workplace, and technical skills.
Training programs include: Animation, Audio/ Video Production, Automotive Technology, Barbering, Business Information, Commercial Photography, Computer Programming, Construction, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice, Culinary Arts, Engineering, Graphic Design, and Welding.
Construction Club is for anyone interested in the art of Construction. Students will gain basic knowledge and skills in the principles of carpentry, masonry, concrete finishing, electrical work, HVAC, and plumbing. They learn to interpret construction drawings; perform quality concrete and brickwork; frame walls, ceilings, and floors of a structure; and install the proper wiring and piping for electrical, and plumbing systems.
Bryan Audio/Video Club
Student members are part of the Radio/TV/Video crew for various events throughout the school year. Members do not have to be in the AV Production classes to join.
Photography Club
Photography club is for anyone interested in photography. We meet and share photos, techniques and tricks, and are able to sit at a well-equipped workstation and experience editing. In the past, we have taken group photos and provided portrait services for Sadie Hawkins dance.
Viking Graphic Arts
Viking Graphic Arts (or Viking Graphics and Animation officially), is a group for students who are interested in the digital arts. The students meet in the Graphics lab (5148), and have use of the facility. We can design and produce print media, buttons, and other products for school groups and clubs.
Graphic Design - Rudder Print Shop

Rudder Print Shop is a community of creative-minded students who excel in creative thinking and problem solving through graphic design. Learning Graphic Design means that we learn how to communicate a message visually with words and images. Designers meet in the Graphic Design Studio (1205) to build relationships and develop leadership and career-related skills. We also design and produce print media, 3D printed objects, and other products for school groups and clubs.
Rudder Audio/ Video Production

Joining the Rudder A/V Crew prepares students for careers in filmmaking, broadcast television, radio, advertising, and creating content for online platforms such as YouTube. Crew members learn scriptwriting, camera skills, and can become an Adobe Certified Associate in Premiere Pro, our industry-grade editing software. In the Advanced A/V class students are offered dual credit through Blinn College. Participating in AV Club gives crew members additional opportunities to work on student-driven projects together and to create videos to serve our school.
RHS Photography

RHS Photography is a group of students who want to obtain the ability to communicate through photographs. It requires both technical and visual skills to be able to understand the fundamental principles and practices to prepare them to solve the challenge of expressing themselves through photography. The students have access to top-notch equipment that is used in the photography industry and produce high-quality photographs. It is also a great place for the students to build relationships and share feedback regarding their photos.
Bryan High School School Store
Forget to bring some of your school supplies? Buy your pencils, pens, and paper at the School Store. Viking Spirit items are also available. Open during lunches in the Bryan Silver Cafeteria.
Rudder High School Business Program

RHS Business Program is designed for students pursuing careers in entrepreneurial opportunities, business management, accounting, finance, office administration, information technology and other related career fields. Students have the opportunity to participate in SkillsUSA where students compete in various contests by demonstrating and applying the skills they have learned throughout the school year. In addition, advanced students have the opportunity to become certified in Microsoft Office Word and Excel and Quickbooks programs.
Viking Bistro
Rudder Cooking Club
Computer Science Club
Computer Science club is dedicated to an exploration of topics in computer programming. Topics reviewed include game programming, professional software development, scientific programming, competitive programming and problem-solving. No experience is required, but a desire to learn is.
Bryan High Criminal Justice Club
Criminal Justice Club at Bryan High School
James Earl Rudder Criminal Justice Club

The Criminal Justice Program will provide an avenue for students to become involved in the community, gain direct experience in their field of interest, and develop a greater sense of the legal system (both criminal and civil). Other avenues of “real world” activities include field trips (to courts, law firms and law schools, and to police stations) and speakers from different fields who will provide students with a first-hand look at the career in which they are interested and will offer them the opportunity to explore their choice. Students will get a jumpstart on any career involving law, law enforcement, civil service or any other legal field.
Robotics Club at Bryan High School
Rudder Engineering - Project Lead the Way

The Criminal Justice Program will provide an avenue for students to become involved in the community, gain direct experience in their field of interest, and develop a greater sense of the legal system (both criminal and civil). Other avenues of “real world” activities include field trips (to courts, law firms and law schools, and to police stations) and speakers from different fields who will provide students with a first-hand look at the career in which they are interested and will offer them the opportunity to explore their choice. Students will get a jumpstart on any career involving law, law enforcement, civil service or any other legal field.
Robotics Club at Bryan High School
Rudder Engineering - Project Lead the Way

From launching space explorations to delivering safe, clean water to communities, engineers find solutions to pressing problems and turn their ideas into reality. PLTW Engineering empowers students to step into the role of an engineer, adopt a problem-solving mindset, and make the leap from dreamers to doers. The program’s courses engage students in compelling, real-world challenges that help them become better collaborators and thinkers. Students take from the courses in-demand knowledge and skills they will use in high school and for the rest of their lives, on any career path they take.
Technology Students Association
The Technology Students Association (TSA) is a national organization of students engaged in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). TSA hosts competitions for students in middle school, as well as high school, with competitions categorized by careers in the Architecture and Construction, Computer Science and Information Technology, Manufacturing and Transportation, and STEM.

Automotive Technology
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and addresses important personal, family, work and societal issues through family and consumer sciences education. Chapter projects focus on a variety of youth concerns, including teen pregnancy, parenting, family relationships, substance abuse, peer pressure, environment, nutrition and fitness, teen violence and career exploration.
Involvement in FCCLA offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life: planning, goal setting, problem-solving, decision making, and interpersonal communication -- necessary skills in the home and workplace.
FCCLA encourages personal growth & leadership development in teens through Family & Consumer Sciences. Any student in the 9th through 12th grade who has taken or is taking a Family & Consumer Science class is welcome to join.
Fashion Design
Culinary Arts and Restaurant Management

HOSA is for future health professionals. Its mission is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development to health science technology education students, therefore helping students to meet the needs of the healthcare community.
Members participate in leadership conferences, community service projects, social events, and healthcare competitions at regional, state and national levels.
Forensic Science Skills