Career & Technical Education Complex
The Bryan CTE Complex opened at the start of the 2019-2020 school year.
The academy-style center features advanced coursework to better prepare students for the next level in their education or careers.
The complex houses innovative and engaging courses in the following areas:
Automotive Technology
Industrial Engineering & Robotics
Construction Technology
Courses are aligned with targeted occupations are high-skilled, high-wage careers that were identified by the CTE Advisory Council. Students selected for admission will either attend a morning or afternoon block schedule while remaining at their home campus for the other part of the day.
Note: The rigorous and comprehensive CTE classes offered at Bryan ISD high schools will continue to be available for students who will not be attending the Complex.
If you have questions about taking classes at CTEC, please see your school counselor or contact the Bryan ISD CTE office at 979-209-1470 for more information.