Field Trip Information
Field Trip Requests must be submitted at least 10 full school days through our field trip management software. Field Trip Requests received after this deadline may incur a late charge.
Trip Finder tutorial link: How to complete a trip request in Tripfinder
The password to access the tutorial is: spinach5563793
Your Client ID is Bryanisd
Access the Field Trip Management System or make a trip request at this link: TripFinder
If you have any issues with submitting a trip request contact Gary Bunch at 209-7132
The Bryan ISD Transportation Department bills the budget of the requesting organization in accordance with the following schedule of fees:
Within 35 miles of campus – driver provided by Transportation $1.50/mile $17/hour per driver
Within 35 miles of campus – driver provided by Campus $1.50/mile $35 flat rate per driver
Outside of 35 miles from campus – driver provided by Transportation $1.50/mile $17/hour per driver
Outside of 35 miles from campus – driver provided by Campus $1.50/mile $70 flat rate per driver
White Fleet Sedan $0.55/mile $10 overnight fee
White Fleet Van $0.70/mile $10 overnight fee