Business/Community Support & Sponsorships
Community support is a crucial component of the success of the Bryan Career & Technical Education Complex. We thank our community sponsors who have donated graciously to ensure the Brazos Valley has a qualified, highly skilled, highly educated future workforce.
Brazos County | $50,000 |
Bryan Business Council | $50,000 | FANUC Robotic Arm |
City of Bryan | $50,000 | Manual Lathe and CNC Lathe |
City of Bryan - Brazos County Economic Development Foundation | $50,000 | Plasma Cutter and Iron Worker |
Texas Mutual Insurance | $32,000 | OSHA 30 Certification |
McCoys | $10,000 | Tool belts for all Construction students |
Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley Board | $10,000 |
B/CS Realtors Association | $900 |
Do you want to play a major role in developing the future workforce of the Brazos Valley? Bryan ISD is still accepting community partners who can contribute monetarily for the purchase of additional state of the art equipment, or who can work with students, offer internships and hire students upon graduation.
If you'd like to partner with Bryan ISD on the Bryan Career & Technical Education Complex, please call 979-209-2608 or email director David Reynolds at