Purchase of the New CTE Center
BRYAN, TX - April 3, 2018 - The Bryan ISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously on Monday, April 2, 2018 to approve the purchase of a facility that promises to house a state-of-the art career & technical education (CTE) center. The former site of a military and defense contractor’s manufacturing and office facilities offers 119 acres and nearly 50,000 square feet of space for students and learning.
“Purchasing this facility and property will enable us to expand opportunities for students over many years for a fraction of the cost of most facilities of this nature,” Superintendent Christie Whitbeck said. “The building’s manufacturing, lab, classroom and meeting space are extremely well suited for our rapidly expanding programs. It has been a pleasure to work with our mayor, city and county officials, business leaders and other stakeholders throughout this exciting process.”
The $5 million property and facilities was acquired by the Bryan-Brazos County Economic Development Foundation from BMI Defense Systems. Foundation members, District officials, the City of Bryan’s business council and other area stakeholders joined together to augment the work of a CTE steering committee that had previously determined the most efficient way to bolster Bryan ISD’s workforce training was to repurpose an existing top flight facility—the property on Mumford Road perfectly fit the bill.
The 119-acre site offers more than 35,000 square feet of lab/manufacturing/classroom space combined with nearly 15,000 square feet of office/research/meeting space, a pond, ample parking and other amenities that made the facility a turn-key and affordable solution to serve growing programs in CTE.
Enrollment in Bryan ISD’s CTE program continues to grow annually, and the District has long sought a home for career-ready, half-day training, particularly for juniors and seniors. In the months ahead, a CTE exploratory committee will meet with area stakeholders and students to determine future programming for the facility, but the property offers the ability to launch some in-demand programs almost immediately.
Welding, automotive technician and construction training could kick off in the facility as early as Fall 2018. A comprehensive plan will be developed to consider expanding programming offerings beginning in Fall 2019.
CTE Center in the News
The Eagle: Bryan Schools' Career and Technical Education Center Finds a Home
KBTX: Bryan ISD Announces new Career and Technology Center North of Bryan
WTAW: Bryan ISD Buys Former Manufacturer Property For New CTE Campus
About the Facility
Address: 6753 Mumford Road Bryan TX 77807.
Size: Approximately 119 acres. 35,000-square-foot manufacturing/lab/classroom facility. 14,565-square-foot office/research/meeting space.
Former use: Military/defense/private contract services.
Purchase Price: $5 million.
Capacity: ~160 junior/senior students
About Career & Technical Education (CTE) in Bryan ISD
Enrollment: Approximately 3,400 (largest program enrollment in Bryan ISD); 78 percent of all high school students are taking a CTE coherent sequence (at least three courses).
Offerings: 27 career programs; 94 courses.
Growth: Increase in sequence takers of 310 percent since Fall 2011. Increased enrollment in CTE 53 percent since 2011.
Growth Challenge: CTE enrollment growth leaves 152 students needing space today.
Success: Received 2017 CTE Showcase of Excellence Award.
Children First. Always.

Future CTE Center
The 119 acre tract on Mumford Road, which includes nearly 50,000 square feet of building space, was the former home of defense contractor BMI Defense Systems.

Bryan ISD Career & Technical Education Center Press Conference Presenters (From Left)
Brazos County Judge Duane Peters, Brazos County Commissioner Irma Cauley, Blinn College Vice Chancellor for Administration and Operations Karen Buck, Mayor Andrew Nelson, Bryan Business Council Member Bobby Gutierrez, Bryan ISD Superintendent Christie Whitbeck, Bryan ISD Board President Mark McCall, Bryan ISD Career and Technical Education Director David Reynolds