City of Bryan Channel 16
The City of Bryan’s Government Access Television (GATV) channel is Suddenlink Cable Channel 116 (HD) and 16 (SD). You can also watch a live stream here.
Each day’s programming is shared between the City of Bryan and the Bryan Independent School District. Channel 16 is used primarily as an informational and educational tool for Bryan citizens and visitors to the community.
Bryan ISD produces a variety of informational and promotional videos about the district’s educational programs, schools, staff members, community, initiatives, challenges, and successes.
Bryan ISD believes that a well-informed community is also a supportive community.
Additional Channel 16 Videos
Promotional Videos – Short, feature-type spots promoting Bryan ISD events, academic programs, and employment opportunities.
Awards – Recognition of school, personnel and student achievement.
Questions or comments regarding Channel 116/16 programming should be directed to Clay Falls with Bryan ISD at (979) 209-1022.
Board Meetings
Bryan ISD Board of Trustees Monthly Meetings – To improve community relations and to provide timely information regarding the policy-making activities of the board, monthly meetings are streamed live at the Bryan ISD YouTube page.