Media Information/Inquiries

Bryan ISD maintains successful partnerships and a collaborative working relationship with the media. To ensure a smooth experience at our facilities and a minimal disruption of the educational environment for students, we require all media to obtain approval before visiting our facilities or interviewing our personnel. The Department of Communications will help facilitate interviews, secure locations and proactively work with all media outlets. 

We look forward to working with you, within the guidelines listed below.

All Bryan ISD school campuses and facilities are closed to media without prior approval.

Media inquiries must go through the Department of Communications and/or the Office of the Superintendent. Calling administrators or campuses directly will delay the transmission of information you or your reporters need to do their job.

Please call as early in the school day as possible with an inquiry. A great deal of coordination is required to accommodate media in areas where we have students. Our school hours are posted at the header of each campus website.

If you are working on something that comes up at 1 p.m., there is a very good chance we won’t be able to get into any buildings by the end of the school day.

Members of the media are not allowed on Bryan ISD campuses or facilities without authorization from, or the presence of, a member of the Bryan ISD Communications Department or a Bryan ISD designee. We do not, generally, allow spontaneous interviews with students, staff or parents. If you need student or staff video or pictures, contact the Department of Communications to arrange it. Parent interviews are not allowed at Bryan ISD campuses unless previously approved by the Department of Communications.

We do this for two reasons:

  1. Media on campus can distract from our core function to educate students. Partnering with the communications staff will help minimize that distraction.

  2. We are required, by law, to ensure any child interviewed OR photographed has a current media authorization. This is for their safety. 

These guidelines extend to school buses or other forms of District Transportation. Even though a Bryan ISD bus or vehicle may not be located on our campus, media is not allowed to board a bus to talk with students, staff or parents.

To request a media interview or clearance to visit a Bryan ISD facility, please call 979-209-1015.

Special note: The President of the Board of Trustees is the only official board spokesperson. To request contact with the Board President, call 979-209-1134.