Click here to access E-Flyers: Community Connection
Bryan ISD Flyers and Non-school Literature Guidelines
Summary: Bryan ISD supports many local, non-profit “community partners” by allowing the limited distribution, or e-flyer publication, of select flyers and non-school literature. The district retains the right to approve or deny any materials requested for distribution. The district will only consider requests from non-profit civic and cultural organizations that provide youth-oriented activities and/or programs with a direct educational value to the student and/or school. In limited circumstances, promotional literature for fundraisers that directly benefit Bryan schools may be approved.
The Bryan ISD Communications Department will review and approve .pdfs of flyers and electronic material requested for distribution to students, parents and staff. Paper flyers will no longer be distributed.
Bryan ISD no longer sends paper flyers home with its students. Students and parents will be made aware of any e-flyers currently being promoted via a notification sticker inside each student’s Tuesday Folder. The flyers that used to be sent home will now be available online at http://flyers.bryanisd.org. Each entity wishing to have a flyer posted must provide the district with a current 501(c) (3) Internal Revenue Service letter (Non Profit). Note: Association with a non-profit organization is not sufficient to qualify.
All flyers must include the following disclaimer printed at the bottom:
“Approval for distribution of these materials is not an endorsement of such services, activities and/or products by Bryan ISD.”
The flyer should not contain advertising logos or promotions for any business/organization other than the approved non-profit agency submitting the flyer. No fundraising/event announcements are allowed from groups outside the school, unless there is a direct educational value to students and/or a school.
Organizations should not approach schools directly with materials for distribution.
Flyer distribution requests are for a one-time ‘distribution approval’ only, and only once per semester.
Flyers with little or no educational value will not be approved.
If at any time it is determined that previous flyers or written materials presented for approval contained false information or did not accurately represent the intent of the program/event, future requests for approval will be denied.
Flyers will not be approved until two weeks after the start date of school, nor will they be approved two weeks prior to the winter holidays, the first week of the second semester or the last three weeks of school.
To request approval: e-mail a .pdf of your flyer along with the requested audience (ex: elementary students) to: BISD_info@bryanisd.org. (Please note: Flyers will not be considered for approval without the disclaimer mentioned in Item 2, above.) DEADLINE NOTICE: The deadline to submit flyers is FRIDAY at 9 a.m. for inclusion in the next week’s postings.
Upon approval, Bryan ISD will post e-flyers from non-profit civic and cultural organizations, educational partners and other district supported organizations. The district may approve any material it deems beneficial to students, faculty or staff.
Bryan ISD will not post e-flyers from for-profit businesses (see fundraiser exception above), religious institutions (camp info. or non-religious events are generally permitted), campaign/political material or literature that does not directly affect and/or benefit Bryan students or faculty.