Curriculum and Instruction

The Bryan ISD Curriculum and Instruction department supports classroom instruction by providing a written curriculum and assessments for all tested courses/grade levels that are aligned to the state standards. Our curriculum is based on the belief that there must be alignment in the curriculum between what is written, taught, and tested. The team is actively involved in providing professional development for teachers and administrators on best practices for instruction.
Written Curriculum
Written curriculum includes curriculum guides that are aligned to state standards and teacher developed lesson plans. Written curriculum materials are available for teachers online through the district's curriculum management system, Schoology.
Taught Curriculum
Teachers follow the courses of study and instructional materials provided by the District, the essential knowledge and skills for each subject mandated by the state, and the scope and sequence developed by curriculum writers and reviewed by other teachers.
Tested Curriculum
District assessments and state assessments are congruent with what is written and taught. Teachers and administrators use test results to assess the status of individual student achievement, to identify general achievement trends of various groups of students, and to modify curriculum and/or instruction as warranted by assessment results.

Literacy for Life, the Curriculum and Instruction initiative, supports growing literacy skills in all students, in all content areas. Teachers have been trained in including high quality literacy strategies to support reading, writing, thinking and discussing as part of their daily instruction.